Note: This article is an independent suggestion to the concern government on how to end corruption in Delhi Orange Cluster Buses. It specifies the several problems which Delhi passengers are facing in cluster buses. It also specifies steps to end such problems including corruption.
Delhi buses are the lifeline of Delhi people after Delhi Metro. Everyday thousands of people in Delhi travel in buses. It connects the whole Delhi within its territory. Delhi Government is also planning to introduce 9000 buses in the upcoming period. Delhi buses make the travel of Delhi people much easier.
With such boons there are also troubles attached. Here, we will discuss about the orange cluster buses and it’s corruption. We will also discuss about how to end corruption in Delhi Orange Cluster Buses.
While travelling in Delhi buses, passengers are facing several issues. Issues like corruption, misbehaving with passengers, smoking in the bus create terrible experience for the passengers.
Orange Cluster Buses are playing major role in the bad experience facing by Delhi passengers. Due to lack of accountability and responsibility within the administration, bus drivers and conductors, the corruption and misbehaving incidents become normal in Delhi bus travel.
Orange Cluster Buses are the backbone of Delhi`s bus transport system. Thousands of passengers travel everyday in the orange cluster buses. So any discrepancy in these buses would affect the thousands of people in the capital of India.
Here are the details relating to cluster buses and its troubles and problems facing by the passengers. There are also some possible practical solutions to combat corruption and other issues in the orange cluster buses.
Orange Cluster Buses run by the collaboration of Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) Limited and Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC).
Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) Limited is a transport consultancy and infrastructure development company. It is a joint venture company with equal equity of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) and the IDFC Foundation (a not-for-profit initiative of Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited).
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) is the main public transport operator in Delhi. It is the largest CNG powered bus service operator in the world.
There are various issues linked with the orange cluster buses. These issues impact the passengers in a negative way. These issues create huge trouble for the public and these problems de-motivate the public to use public transport. It also creates distrust towards the public institutions and ultimately towards the government.
The following issues and problems associated with the orange cluster buses are:
Corruption is a root-cause of almost every single problem lies with the government institutions. In orange cluster buses, it’s a normal routine of almost all the conductors to not to issue tickets after taking money from passengers.
Conductors first take money from a passenger and then they do not provide ticket. They ask that passenger to remain silent as if everything is under their authority.
In 2019, Hon`ble Delhi High Court asked the Delhi Government and DTC that why should DTC bus conductors make passengers come to them for issuing tickets, rather than get up and go to each passenger?
Sometimes the drivers are also involved in such activities. Drivers also do the same thing; they take money from a passenger and then tells him to sit near them even though drivers are not even authorized to take the ticket money from passengers.
Misbehaving with the people by the government officials is not a new thing. The similar misbehaving acts also happen in the orange cluster buses. After taking money but not issuing the ticket, when people ask for their ticket then they first deny in a friendly manner. But if a person still asking for the ticket then they act like goons and threaten that person by raising voice or abusing that passenger.
Biased vigilance is a major reason for corruption in Delhi Orange Cluster buses. Ticket checkers in the orange cluster buses played an important role in the corruption. In most of the cases bus conductors and ticket checkers are known to each other because of their same geographical area. Sometimes both relates to the same village.
Due to the relations of ticket checkers with the conductors, ticket checkers do not take any action against the conductors but at the same time they take action against the passenger without ticket.
A person who already paid for his ticket still forced to pay fine for not having ticket if caught by ticket checker. But if conductor found guilty for not giving ticket then they let him go. At the end, the situation gets resolved either by paying fine or paying bribe to the ticket checkers.
This is also a common practice of many bus drivers of not stopping buses at its stopping points. They just drive it without stopping the bus on bus stands carrying few passengers. These incidents most happen in the busiest stop-points. Sometimes they just put on the breakdown signal on the bus and drive the empty bus.
Due to this, passengers suffer too much because they have to wait more for other buses. It causes more work load and crowd on other buses. It also causes revenue loss to the administration.
There are many other small scale issues cause too much trouble to the passengers. Here are some of issues as follows:
Many drivers usually smoke while driving which causes discomfort to the passengers. The most shocking thing is there is hard to find any sign board of “No Smoking” on orange cluster buses like in earlier DTC buses.
Many drivers usually stop the buses with passengers on the road to buy liquor for themselves at the evening time.
After Delhi Governments free ride scheme, some conductors are issuing more pink tickets than women actually travel just to compensate the deficit arising due to non issuing tickets to male passengers.
So, these are the following corruption and trouble incidents that Delhi passengers are facing from long period of time. Many passengers filed complaint against them but those conductors and drivers are still doing the same thing again and again. Most important thing to consider is due to known and related ticket checkers, complaint authorities and other officers in the department, they don’t fear to repeat such acts.
After discussing about the corruption and other problems in the cluster buses here are some solutions for the same. There are some ways that give practical solution on how to end corruption and other mischievous acts of conductors, drivers and other officials in Delhi Orange Cluster Buses to the maximum extent.
The following ways are as follows:
The first and the most important step to curb the corruption in cluster buses would be to appoint the unrelated ticket checkers. It may require special appointment procedures. Related party always played a crucial role whether in corruption in government institutions or the suspicious or tax evading activities in corporate.
In simple terms, it will break the link between the defaulters and its auditors. After breaking that relationship, both bus conductors and drivers would refrain to do such acts which are against their duty and authority.
It would put both psychological as well as legal pressure on them to fulfill their duty appropriately.
Another most important step to curb corruption is to establish an effective and efficient complaint register and redressal mechanism. There should be a proper tracking system from complaint generation to its action taken report.
After disciplinary action taken against the corrupted and the wrongdoer, the notice should also be circulated to all other officials. Others would learn lesson from that and would refrain to do anything against the law and their authority.
In addition to the existing laws, there should be a strict internal policy to curb corruption and other wrongful acts within the organization. In the policy, the above mentioned wrongful acts should be specified and strict consequences for the same should also be specified. It will make the complaint redressal mechanism real quick and efficient.
To combat corruption it is necessary to provide proper training to the government officials. Teaching moral and ethical duty and also informing about the consequences of corruption would play an important role to fight corruption.
All the bus drivers and conductors should get proper training to perform their duty ethically. They should get proper knowledge about corruption and how it affects others and what are its punishment and consequences.
All the bus drivers and conductors must be aware about the penal provisions for the corruption and other wrongful acts. A proper training to understand the internal policy of department regarding corruption must be provided in effective manner. They should be aware about full process of disciplinary action specified by the concern department in case of a complaint filed or caught in the wrongful act.
Low salary is one of the biggest reasons for the corruption in any institution. Marginal increase in the salary of employees could reduce the possibility of corruption. They would get more job satisfaction and it could help to fight corruption.
Use of technology can play a crucial role to fight corruption. At current scenario many problems can be solved with the proper use of technology. Corporate are already using technology in their surveillance and tracking system to curb the corruption or other unlawful activities within the organizations.
Here the concern authority can also use the technology to fight corruption and implement proper surveillance system for the better administration. One practical example of using the technology to fight corruption is to make an app.
First make an app through which anyone can get all the information including the photos and name of driver and conductor in that bus just by filling bus number in the app.
Second, install GPS in all buses and connect it with that app. It will help to track the bus as well as the performance of the bus like where it stopped and where it didn’t.
Third, give an option to rate the bus conductor and driver and also the feedback about the service.
Fourth, give an option to register the complaint against bus driver and conductor. It will be an advantage if a unique feature introduce with the app and i.e., real time complaint.
In real time complaint feature anyone can complaint at real time basis by connecting his/ her phone`s GPS with the app. It would be a revolutionary step to register a complaint on real time basis. With the help of this feature anyone can submit a complaint with live evidences like live video of not giving ticket or misbehaving. It would definitely discourage bus conductors and drivers to do any wrongful activity.
That app can also generate revenue. With proper interface and functioning, it will create an additional source of revenue to the concern authority.
So, here we discussed the corruption issues and also how to end corruption and other issues in the Delhi orange cluster buses.
Now, let`s conclude the article with some positive notes. Here are some interesting facts about DTC:
The DTC is one of the largest bus service providers operating on CNG;
The Millennium Park Depot of DTC is the largest bus depot in the world;
DTC provides employment to around 18000 people;
DTC provides a special bus service for sightseeing in and around the most popular tourist spots in Delhi. These buses are known as Delhi Darshan or HOHO Bus. It is a fully air conditioned bus with a one day ticket;
DTC also provides a fully air conditioned bus route, Delhi-Kathmandu-Delhi, which connects India and Nepal.
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